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Meet the Author


J.B. Keats

Physician, naval officer, professor, lecturer, and now author, Keats' lifelong fascinations with science, history, and religion intersect in his compelling prose, including IPPY’s (Independent Publisher's) Silver Medal winner He Can See Heaven, and in his forthcoming historical novel, A Traveler Came By. Infused with a kaleidoscope of characters and enchanting locales, J.B.’s provocative fiction probes the passions that motivate his distinctive characters and sets them on a canvas of intriguing circumstance, liberating the readers’ fancy and transporting them to places as real as their own.

With a mindset shaped by his remote Allegheny boyhood, modified and refined by decades of academic discipline, J.B. writes what he knows. From baseball and America’s civil rights struggle to the history of the New Testament and from gilded university towers to the stench of crowded locker rooms, his complex and enigmatic personalities are true to the people he’s encountered. The avaricious and noble, selfless and narcissistic, fearful and intrepid come alive, shocking the reader when least expected.


Recent Works


A Traveler Came By

It’s 1964. Jack Shea is a precocious, bold bookworm and dazzling baseball phenom who heads south in search of a draft-deferring scholarship where he collides with two spellbinding forces: a conflicted Deep South on the brink of epic change and a complex Cajun beauty who kidnaps his heart.

He Can See Heaven

A cascading adventure of discovery, intrigue, and romance, He Can See Heaven tells the tale of Ellen Shea, an intrepid graduate student on a perilous search through exotic locales for a trove of lost scrolls.

The Commander

An engrossing deathbed confession reveals a life lived on the edge.
